Thursday, October 29, 2015

Epic 2015 Predictions

The movie epic 2015 was made in 2007. The video start with the beginning of internet by Tom Berners Lee and talk about how internet revolutionized and changed our life. The video shows us the beginning of big corporations like Microsoft, Amazon, Google.

                               Accurate information
Worldwide web by Tom Berners Lee 1989
Google creation 1998
Amazon creation 1994
Blogger   1999
Friendster 2002
                               False Predictions
Googlezon- combine of Amazon and Google which never happend
Googlegrid- unlimited streaming for it's user
New York Times- Stop internet subscriptions

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Similarities and Difference between E-mail and Mail

The similarities between mail and email are both needs senders address. Mail and email required writing. You can send pictures and text in both email and mail. Mail and email both had boxes. Both email and mail go through many process and stops before reach at their senders. Mail and email can returned to sender if the address will not be correct. Email and mail both had junk mails. People can receive coupons through mail and email. 

The difference between mail and email they email can receive within seconds and mail takes days or hours to receive. Mail required physical envelope and email is electronic. Email can send to multiply people at the same time from one link and mail required multiple copies to send to multiple people. Stamps needs to send mail and Internet connection needed to send email. We cannot send physical things through email. Mails can be reach to right person sometimes without proper address and email cannot be reached to right person without correct address.